Lenus Health publishes White Paper on digitally transformed breathlessness diagnosis pathways

This White Paper outlines how Digital Diagnostic Pathway Tools, combined with point-of-care and one-stop community based tests, can transform breathlessness pathways, reducing diagnostic waits while enabling more personalised management following diagnosis.

Breathlessness symptoms affect around 10% of the UK population and pose significant diagnostic challenges due to disjointed referral pathways and complex clinical considerations with symptom overlap in underlying conditions.

Often waiting times can extend into years with a patient progressing through multiple specialist pathways. The effects of delayed diagnosis of the underlying conditions have substantial impacts on wider healthcare provision, leading to high levels of unscheduled care events, emergency admissions and poorer patient outcomes.

Multiple NHS England initiatives aim to address these challenges, emphasizing early, accurate diagnosis through symptom-based, multi-disciplinary pathways. However, unless patient data is joined up across settings, and testing is optimised these investments will not be realised.

This instructive White Paper outlines how Digital Diagnostic Pathway Tools can enable the wider transformation required to realise the benefits of recent investments, while also aiding onward population management once a complete diagnosis has been reached.


Click here to download the white paper to learn more.



Image from Hull York Medical School's 'Bringing Breathlessness into View" Exhibition of patients experiences of breathlessness depicted through art.